Notation for Veterans’ Records

Notation for Prisoners of War and Persons Killed in Action or Missing in Action

(Veteran Name of War, POW)
(Veteran Name of War, MIA)
(Veteran Name of War, KIA)

If there is room on the surname line for inclusion of the abbreviations, POW, MIA or KIA, within the parentheses, include this notation after the name of the war in which the veteran served.

For a veteran who was missing in action or was interred overseas, but their family erected a monument in their home cemetery, the word cenotaph should be entered below the other information entered. (A cenotaph is a monument erected in memory of a deceased person whose body was buried elsewhere.)

Military Service Medals and Awards
(This notation is normally above the dates at the bottom of the gravestone)

AM -Air Medal
ACM - Army Commendation Medal
BS or BSM -Bronze Star or Bronze Star Medal
CSC - Conspicuous Service Cross
DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross
DSC – Distinguished Service Cross
DSM – Distinguished Service Medal
LOM - Legion of Merit
MOH - Medal of Honor
NC – Navy Cross
PH - Purple Heart
SS or SSM - Silver Star or Silver Star Medal

These abbreviations generally follow another award to indicate superior achievement or multiple awards:
A - Achievement
V - Valor
OLC - Oak Leaf Cluster (generally follows another award to indicate multiple awards)

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